• To provide high quality technological solutions based on renewable energy resources (solar/wind/biogas etc. and/or hybrid systems), at competitive prices, ensuring an attractive Internal Rate of Return on the projects.
  • To support our customers in reaching their goals:
    • Achieve a reliable and continuous energy supply - 24/7
    • Facilitate the supply of electricity for off-grid areas to support the economical, social and environmental development in such areas
    • Reduce the emission of CO2 and other contaminants through a combination of renewable energy resources and savings in fossil fuels
    • Save electricity or fuel and transportation costs
    • Broaden the energy mix to reduce price risks and operational dependency on energy from conventional sources (e.g. large hybro systems, coal, oil, gas etc.)
    • To help our clients develop bankable renewable energy projects
    • To invest in distribute generation projects using renewable energy, helping move the world towards a zero emissions economy
    • To assist in executive strategy development identifying critical risks related to climate change, corporate climate responsibility policies and action plans